

Get the publisher transactions (Sales, Leads ...)



Parameter Format Description Example value
keyStringPublisher api keyYOUR_API_KEY
startDate: dd/MM/yyyyStart period of the reporting01/01/2013
endDate: dd/MM/yyyyEnd period of the reporting31/01/2013
typeStringAllows to select on what type of date (start and end) the request is based. Date, date of transaction or date of / datetran (date of transaction) / datevalidation (date of validation)
effi_idStringYour subId (an alphanumerical value)0230
id_affilieurIntegerAllows to only get transactions of a given merchant. id_affilieur = merchant id.101245454
fieldsStringFields displayed in the output(0: not displayed, 1: displayed)01100110
allStringAll transactions with or without commissionsyes

Returned fields

Use fields selector to choose the fields you need. Eg: fields=00101.

Field Description Type
id_transactionId of the transactionString
id_affilieurId of the merchantInteger
id_programmeId of the programInteger
id_sessionId of the sessionInteger
effi_idYour sub IdString
effi_id2Your second sub IdString
typeType of transaction (Sale, Lead...)String
montantAmount of the transaction (for a sale)Decimal
commissionAmount of total Commissions (program commissions + commissions increase)Decimal
etatStatus of the transaction, possible values by language :
French : Attente, Valide, Refus
English : Pending, Valid, Refusal
German : Wartezustand, Gültig, Ablehnung
Spanish : Espera, Autorizado, Rechazado
Italian : Attesa, Valido, Rifiuto
Portugese : Pendente, Válido, Rejeição
dateDate of the transactionDate
dateclicDate of the clicDate
datetranDate of the transactionDate
datevalidationDate of validationDate
en_sessionFor post-clic programs, indicates if the transaction is made less than 30 minutes after the clicString
refReference of the transactionString
ref2Second reference of the transactionString
ref3Third reference of the transactionString
ref4Fourth reference of the transactionString
ref5Fifth reference of the transactionString
ipIP address of the internet userString
payedIndicates if the transaction's commission has been payed by the merchant.If transaction is refused payed is always falseBoolean
nom_programmeName of the programString
nom_supportName of the linkString
id_typelienType of linkInteger
type_appareilDevice typeString
elFirst commission elementString
el2Second commission elementString
el3Third commission elementString
el4Fourth commission elementString
el5Fifth commission elementString
el6Additional commission elementString
el7Additional commission elementString
el8Additional commission elementString
el9Additional commission elementString
el10Additional commission elementString
el11Additional commission elementString
el12Additional commission elementString
el13Additional commission elementString
el14Additional commission elementString
el15Additional commission elementString
el16Additional commission elementString
el17Additional commission elementString
el18Additional commission elementString
el19Additional commission elementString
el20Additional commission elementString
ref6Additional reference for the transactionString
ref7Additional reference for the transactionString
ref8Additional reference for the transactionString
ref9Additional reference for the transactionString
ref10Additional reference for the transactionString
ref11Additional reference for the transactionString
ref12Additional reference for the transactionString
ref13Additional reference for the transactionString
ref14Additional reference for the transactionString
ref15Additional reference for the transactionString
ref16Additional reference for the transactionString
ref17Additional reference for the transactionString
ref18Additional reference for the transactionString
ref19Additional reference for the transactionString
ref20Additional reference for the transactionString
newcustomerNew customer 0/1String
paymentPayment typeString
voucherVoucher use for the transactionString
commission_programProgram commissions Decimal
commission_meaCommissions increaseDecimal
aaf_payment_datePayment date of the invoice of the transactionDate
aaf_codeInvoice code of the transactionString
aaf_paidIndicates if the transaction's invoice has been paidBoolean


Get all transactions of january 2013 with effi_id equals to '1234'. XML format

Get all transactions of the first of january 2013 for the merchant '00001545' based on transaction date. JSON format