Program remunerations


Get the publisher program remuneration details



Parameter Format Description Example value
api-keyStringPublisher api keyYOUR_API_KEY
formatAccepted values : csv|xml|jsonThe output format to use. Requiredcsv
kpisComma separated list of IntegerThe list of kpis to display. Optional, default all kpis123456789,987654321
programIdIntegerProgram id. Required if both merchantId and sessionId are not provided123456789
merchantIdIntegerMerchant id. Required if both programId and sessionId are not provided123456789
sessionIdIntegerSession id. Required if both programId and merchantId are not provided123456789

Returned fields

Field Description Type
merchantIdThe merchant idInteger
programIdThe program idInteger
sessionIdThe session idInteger
idThe id of the kpi (id to use in parameter kpis to restrict output)Integer
nameThe name of the kpiString
baseRemunerationThe base remuneration of the programDecimal
hdrThe hdrDecimal
remunerationThe total remuneration amount (including hdr)Decimal
typeThe type of the remuneration : percent or fixedString


Get current remuneration for the subscribed program or merchant MERCHANT_ID as json