Transactions kpis


Get the publisher transactions (Sales, Leads ...)


Url Parameters

Parameter Format Description Example value
MERCHANT_IDIntegerMerchant id. Required123456789


Parameter Format Description Example value
api-keyStringPublisher api keyYOUR_API_KEY
formatAccepted values : csv|xml|jsonThe output format to use. Requiredcsv
kpisComma separated list of IntegerThe list of kpis to display. Optional, default all kpis123456789,987654321
idsComma separated list of StringThe list id conversion ids to get (maximum 100). Required if both startDate and endDate are not provided123456789,99a21335883d5a783ac86a3c8109b32649a89b5325613b8a8865917e71fcff0e
startDateDate: yyyy-MM-ddStart period. Required2022-04-01
endDateDate: yyyy-MM-ddEnd period. Required2022-04-03
dateTypedate|datetran|datevalidationThe date type to look at for specified period. Optional, default datedatetran


Only on request every 15 minutes is allowed. If you run an other request within this delai you'll get a 429 http code.
The message tells you when you can run your query agin.

Returned fields

Field Description Type
idId of the transactionString
commissionThe commission for this transactionDecimal
kpiIdThe id of the kpi (id to use in parameter kpis to restrict output)Integer
nameThe name of the kpiString
valueThe calculated value of the kpiDecimal

