

Get the publisher programs



Parameter Format Description Example value
keyStringPublisher api keyYOUR_API_KEY
filterStringAllows to filter the program list on properties such as publisher activity, registration state, publisher programs, effiliation recommandations...mines(programs I am registered), recommendation(programs I am not registered), active(programs I am active on), inactive(programs I am not active on), pending(programs on which my registration is pending), unregistered(programs I have been unregistered), closed(closed programs I am registered), refused(programs on which my registration has been refused), all(all programs)
lgStringOutput languagefr, en, es, it, pt, de, nl
modeStringAllows to filter the program list on new programs, exclusive programs or programs with ongoing challengenew, challenge, exclu
comStringAllows to filter the program list on commission type, several values separated by commas can be setcpa, cpl, cpc, cpm, postclic, postview
countryStringAllows to filter the program list on coverage countries, several values separated by commas can be setfr, ge, au, be, da, sp, gr, nl, it, uk, sw, sz, br, bu, cy, en, fi, hu, ei, lg, lh, lu, mt, pl, pt, ro, lo, si, cz, tu
categoriesStringAllows to filter the program list on advertiser categories id, several values separated by commas can be setA category ID is an integer value. Check our category API documentation
scoreStringAllows to filter the program list on advertiser score (based on advertiser delays in payment), several values separated by commas can be seta, b, c, d, e

Returned fields

Use fields selector to choose the fields you need. Eg: fields=00101.

Field Description Type
id_affilieurAdvertiser unique id for EffiliationInteger
id_programmeCampaign unique IDInteger
date_debutCreation date of the campaignDate
date_finEnd date of the campaignDate
descriptionCampaign descriptionString
siteannonceurAdvertiser site nameString
urlannonceurAdvertiser urlString
id_sessionCampaign registration IDInteger
url_inscriptionDirect URL for registrationString
inscriptionCampaign registration dateString
categoriesAdvertiser categoriesString
responsableEffiliation account managerString
tmEffiliation traffic managerString
etatPublisher registration state.
Empty value : publisher is not registered
Joined / Inscrit / Eingeschrieben / Inscrito / Iscritto / Ingeschreven : publisher is registered
De-registered / Désinscrit / Abgemeldet / Dado de baja / Iscrizione cancellata / Uitgeschreven / Anulado : publisher is no more registered
Pending / En attente / Ausstehend / En espera / In attesa / In behandeling / Em espera : pending registration
Refused / Refusé / Abgelehnt / Rechazado / Rifiutato / Geweigerd / Recusado : refused registration
urlProgram urlString
urlloProgram logo urlString
url_trackeTracked URL for the default link of the advertiserString
nomProgram nameString
typecomCommission typeString
paysCampaign coverage countriesString
dureecookiesPost-clic cookies duration in daysInteger
dureecookiespiPost-view cookies duration in daysInteger
scoredbAdvertiser score based on his delays in paymentString
remunerationRemuneration descriptionString
clicUnique clickDecimal
cpctotTotal CPCDecimal
doubleclicDouble clickDecimal
ventefixeSale's fix amountDecimal
ventefixe2Special indicator A2Decimal
ventefixe3Special indicator A3Decimal
ventefixe4Special indicator A4Decimal
ventefixe5Special indicator A5Decimal
ventefixepiPost-view sale's fix amountDecimal
ventefixe2piSpecial indicator C2Decimal
ventefixe3piSpecial indicator C3Decimal
ventefixe4piSpecial indicator C4Decimal
ventefixe5piSpecial indicator C5Decimal
revenueTurn over percentageDecimal
revenue2Special indicator A2 Decimal
revenue3Special indicator A3 Decimal
revenue4Special indicator A4 Decimal
revenue5Special indicator A5 Decimal
revenuepiPost-view turn over percentageDecimal
revenuepi2Special indicator C2Decimal
revenuepi3Special indicator C3Decimal
revenuepi4Special indicator C4Decimal
revenuepi5Special indicator C5Decimal
lead2Special indicator B2Decimal
lead3Special indicator B3Decimal
lead4Special indicator B4Decimal
lead5Special indicator B5Decimal
leadpiPost-view leadDecimal
leadpi2Special indicator D2Decimal
leadpi3Special indicator D3Decimal
leadpi4Special indicator D4Decimal
leadpi5Special indicator D5Decimal
emailingdedieEmailing leverageString
newsletterNewsletter leverageString
incentiveopenOpening incentive leverageString
incentiveclicClick incentive leverageString
incentiveventeSell incentive leverageString
incentiveleadLead incentive leverageString
cashbackCashback leverageString
monnaievirtuelleVirtual cashing leverageString
bonsdereducCouponing leverageString
advertiserkwKeyword to advertiser website leverageString
advkw_brand_uniqueBrand as a unique keywordString
advkw_brand_genBrand associated with general wordsString
advkw_genGeneral key wordsString
publisherkwKeyword to publisher website leverageString
publisherkw_advbrand_genBrand associated with general wordsString
publisherkw_advbrand_promoBrand + voucher code (or similar expressions)String
coregCo-registration leverageString
retargetingRetargeting leverageString
siteunderSite-under leverageString
clicvalidValidation click leverageString
nblienNumber of linksInteger
nouveauIndicates whether the program is newString
exclusiviteIndicates whether the advertiser is an Effiliation exclusive clientString
nom_challengeChallenge nameString
deb_challengeChallenge startDate
fin_challengeChallenge endDate
desc_challengeChallenge descriptionString
tauxclicClick rateString
transformationTransformation rateString
tauxannulAnnulation rateString
activiteCampaign publisher activity flagString
evenementsEvents linked to the program advertiserString
cgaGeneral conditions of affiliationString
mobileMobile site or mobile optimized siteString
shopPhysical StoreString
applimobileMobile applicationString
ventefixe6Special indicator A6 Decimal
ventefixe7Special indicator A7 Decimal
ventefixe8Special indicator A8 Decimal
ventefixe9Special indicator A9 Decimal
ventefixe10Special indicator A10 Decimal
ventefixe11Special indicator A11 Decimal
ventefixe12Special indicator A12 Decimal
ventefixe13Special indicator A13 Decimal
ventefixe14Special indicator A14 Decimal
ventefixe15Special indicator A15 Decimal
ventefixe16Special indicator A16 Decimal
ventefixe17Special indicator A17 Decimal
ventefixe18Special indicator A18 Decimal
ventefixe19Special indicator A19 Decimal
ventefixe20Special indicator A20 Decimal
ventefixe6piSpecial indicator A6 Decimal
ventefixe7piSpecial indicator A7 Decimal
ventefixe8piSpecial indicator A8 Decimal
ventefixe9piSpecial indicator A9 Decimal
ventefixe10piSpecial indicator A10 Decimal
ventefixe11piSpecial indicator A11 Decimal
ventefixe12piSpecial indicator A12 Decimal
ventefixe13piSpecial indicator A13 Decimal
ventefixe14piSpecial indicator A14 Decimal
ventefixe15piSpecial indicator A15 Decimal
ventefixe16piSpecial indicator A16 Decimal
ventefixe17piSpecial indicator A17 Decimal
ventefixe18piSpecial indicator A18 Decimal
ventefixe19piSpecial indicator A19 Decimal
ventefixe20piSpecial indicator A20 Decimal
revenue6Special indicator A6 Decimal
revenue7Special indicator A7 Decimal
revenue8Special indicator A8 Decimal
revenue9Special indicator A9 Decimal
revenue10Special indicator A10 Decimal
revenue11Special indicator A11 Decimal
revenue12Special indicator A12 Decimal
revenue13Special indicator A13 Decimal
revenue14Special indicator A14 Decimal
revenue15Special indicator A15 Decimal
revenue16Special indicator A16 Decimal
revenue17Special indicator A17 Decimal
revenue18Special indicator A18 Decimal
revenue19Special indicator A19 Decimal
revenue20Special indicator A20 Decimal
revenuepi6Special indicator A6 Decimal
revenuepi7Special indicator A7 Decimal
revenuepi8Special indicator A8 Decimal
revenuepi9Special indicator A9 Decimal
revenuepi10Special indicator A10 Decimal
revenuepi11Special indicator A11 Decimal
revenuepi12Special indicator A12 Decimal
revenuepi13Special indicator A13 Decimal
revenuepi14Special indicator A14 Decimal
revenuepi15Special indicator A15 Decimal
revenuepi16Special indicator A16 Decimal
revenuepi17Special indicator A17 Decimal
revenuepi18Special indicator A18 Decimal
revenuepi19Special indicator A19 Decimal
revenuepi20Special indicator A20 Decimal
lead6Special indicator A6 Decimal
lead7Special indicator A7 Decimal
lead8Special indicator A8 Decimal
lead9Special indicator A9 Decimal
lead10Special indicator A10 Decimal
lead11Special indicator A11 Decimal
lead12Special indicator A12 Decimal
lead13Special indicator A13 Decimal
lead14Special indicator A14 Decimal
lead15Special indicator A15 Decimal
lead16Special indicator A16 Decimal
lead17Special indicator A17 Decimal
lead18Special indicator A18 Decimal
lead19Special indicator A19 Decimal
lead20Special indicator A20 Decimal
leadpi6Special indicator A6 Decimal
leadpi7Special indicator A7 Decimal
leadpi8Special indicator A8 Decimal
leadpi9Special indicator A9 Decimal
leadpi10Special indicator A10 Decimal
leadpi11Special indicator A11 Decimal
leadpi12Special indicator A12 Decimal
leadpi13Special indicator A13 Decimal
leadpi14Special indicator A14 Decimal
leadpi15Special indicator A15 Decimal
leadpi16Special indicator A16 Decimal
leadpi17Special indicator A17 Decimal
leadpi18Special indicator A18 Decimal
leadpi19Special indicator A19 Decimal
leadpi20Special indicator A20 Decimal
authorized_typologiesAuthorized typologiesString


An XML feed with all my programs

An XML feed with all my programs, with b2b categories Administrative / Management or Associations / Communities,24

An XML feed with all my programs, with b2c categories Alcohol & Food or Animals,21

An XML feed with all programs I'm active on

An XML feed with all programs I'm not active on

A CSV feed with all programs I'm not registered

An XML feed with all my programs, on which there is an ongoing challenge

A CSV feed with all new programs I'm not registered yet, in english

A JSON feed with all programs on which I have a pending registration, with only french and german programs,ge