Reporting kpis


Provides a reporting for merchant kpis on a given period


Url Parameters

Parameter Format Description Example value
MERCHANT_IDIntegerMerchant id. Required123456789


Parameter Format Description Example value
api-keyStringPublisher api keyYOUR_API_KEY
formatAccepted values : csv|xml|jsonThe output format to use. Requiredcsv
kpisComma separated list of IntegerThe list of kpis to display. Optional, default all kpis123456789,987654321
dateTypedate|datetran|datevalidationThe date type to look at for specified period. Optional, default datedatetran
startDateDate: yyyy-MM-ddStart period. Required if ids is not provided or if endDate is provided.2022-04-01
endDateDate: yyyy-MM-ddEnd period. Required if ids is not provided or if startDate is provided2022-04-03


Only on request every 15 minutes is allowed. If you run an other request within this delai you'll get a 429 http code.
The message tells you when you can run your query agin.

Returned fields

Use fields selector to choose the fields you need. Eg: fields=00101.

Field Description Type
dayThe day of the reportingString : Total or Date format : yyyy-MM-dd
merchantIdThe merchant idInteger
programIdThe program idInteger
sessionIdThe session idInteger
idThe id of the kpi (id to use in parameter kpis to restrict output)Integer
nameThe name of the kpiString
valueThe value of the kpiDecimal


Reporting by transaction date between 01/04/2022 and 30/04/2022 for merchant "merchantId"